WINTER Preparedness

Winter storms can vary from a pretty moderate snow fall over a few hours to a blinding blizzard that lasts for days.  Winter storms are commonly accompanied by low temperatures and damaging winds or freezing rain that becomes sleet that becomes ice.

Winter weather has ability to cause power outages and interruption of heat and communications for days at a time. Here in New England, snowfall and extreme cold can immobilize an entire region.   The importance of preparedness can NEVER be understated and a few minutes of prep time now can lead to significant benefits later. Disaster preparedness is about having an established safety plan. By the time severe winter weather hits, it’s already too late.

We hope you’ll take a few minutes to look through these winter weather preparedness guides which can help you stay safe while at home or on the road.   You’ll be glad you did.

Winterizing Your Home

Winter Weather Preparedness Checklist for the Home

What to Do During a Storm

Winter Preparedness Tips For Auto and Driving

Winter Emergency Kit for your Car